Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hindi Recipe -भरवां मिस्सी रोटी

भरवां मिस्सी रोटी
भारतीयों की मन पसंद बेसन की भरवा रोटी, इसे आप किसी भी सब्जी के साथ खा सकते है. जैसे आलू गोभी, सीताफल, आदि. मज़े से खाए और खिलाये देसी घी लगा करो ये करारी भरवा रोटी!!

  1. गेहूं का आटा - 250 ग्राम
  2. बेसन का आटा - 150 ग्राम
  3. प्याज - 1 बड़ी
  4. हरी मिर्च - 2
  5. साबूत धनिया - आधा चम्मच
  6. नमक - स्वादनुसार
  7. हरा धनिया (कटा हुआ) - 2 चम्मच
  8. पानी - आटा बनाने के लिए

    1. बारीक बारीक प्याज, हरा धनिया और हरी मिर्च काटे .
    2. अब गेहूं का आटा, बेसन आटा, कटा हुआ प्याज, हरी मिर्च, नमक, हरा धनिया मिला कर पानी के साथ थोड़ा सख्त आटा गोंद ले.
    3. अब आटे की छोटी-छोटी गोलियां ले और बेलन की मदद से रोटियां बेल ले
    4. तवा गरम होने पर तैयार चपाती उस पर डाल दे.
    5. चपाती को दोनों तरफ से तब तक सेके जब तक यह दोनों तरफ से भूरे रंग की न हो जाये.
    6. आपका भरवां मिस्सी चपाती खाने के लिए तैयार है.
    7. इसे आप किसी भी सब्ज़ी (आलू गोभी, दम आलू, बैगन) के साथ खा सकते हैं!

Baby Corn Pepper Dry

Baby Corn Pepper Dry
Description of Recipe:
Spicy snack for any kitty party cooktail or any party at home. Delicious baby corns with soya sauce.

  1. Baby Corns - 8
  2. Tomatoes - 2
  3. Green Onions - 2
  4. Green Chili - 1
  5. Dry Red Chilies - 2
  6. Salt - To taste
  7. Red Chili Powder - ½ tsp
  8. Garam Masala - 1/3 tsp
  9. Black Pepper - Pinch
  10. Ajjinomotto - 1/3 tsp
  11. Soya Sauce - 2 tsp
  12. Green Coriander Leaves - 1 tbsp
  13. Ginger - 1”
  14. Garlic - 4 Cloves
  15. Oil - 2 tbsp
    1. Chop onions, tomatoes, coriander leaves, garlic & ginger separately.
    2. Heat oil in a pan.
    3. Fry chopped onion, garlic & ginger for about 2 minutes.
    4. Take them out and keep aside.
    5. Now add corns and fry them. For about a minute. Take them out and keep aside.
    6. Add 1 tbsp of oil in the same pan. Add dry red chilies.
    7. Now add fried onion mixture (from step 3) and chopped tomatoes & green chilies. Cook till tomatoes become soft.
    8. Add salt, black pepper, red chili powder, ajjinomotto, soya sauce & garam masala. Mix well.
    9. Now put fried baby corns and cover the pan with the lid. Let it cook till corns become soft & tender.
    10. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
    11. Serve hot and enjoy!!!

Recipe of Bread Pakora Chat.........

Here a delicious Recipe of Bread Pakora Chat.........

Description of Recipe:
Evening tea snack or morning breakfast. Prepared with boiled potatoes filled in bread slices with spices and green chili. Tasty & Delicious Aloo Bread Pakora with different presentation, Generaly found on Indian Chaat Streets. Crispy snack to have with tea.

  1. - For Potato Mixture:
  2. Bread Slices - 4
  3. Potatoes - 2
  4. Salt - To taste
  5. Green Chili - 1
  6. Coriander Powder - ¼ tsp
  7. Red Chili Powder - ¼ tsp
  8. - For Besan Mixture:
  9. Besan - ½ Cup
  10. Salt - To taste
  11. Red Chili Powder - ¼ tsp
  12. Mango Powder (Amchoor) - 1/8 tsp
  13. Garam Masala - 1/8 tsp
  14. Refined Oil - For Frying
  15. Water (For boiling & making paste of besan) - 4 cups
  16. - For Serving:
  17. Onion - 1 Big
  18. Salt - To taste
  19. Roasted Cumin Powder - 1/2 Tsp
  20. Imli (Tamarind Sauce) Chutney - 1 tbsp

    1. Boil potatoes with water in a cooker (2 whistles only).
    2. Peel and mash the boiled potatoes in a bowl.
    3. Add spices (salt, red chili powder, coriander powder) and chopped green chilies. Mix well.
    4. Now take besan in a bowl. Add salt, red chili powder, amchoor, garam masala. Add 1 tbsp of water and mix well to make a smooth paste.
    5. Spread the potato mixture on a bread slice and cover it with another bread slice.
    6. Now cut the bread slices into two pieces.
    7. Heat oil in a pan.
    8. Dip the prepared slices in besan mixture and put them in a oil to deep fry.
    9. Fry till they become golden brown in color. Repeat the same with the other slices and prepare tasty bread pakoras.
    10. For Serving:
    11. Cut prepared pakoras in three pieces and place them on a serving plate.
    12. Sprinkle finely chopped (long strips) onion on prepared bread pakoras.
    13. Now sprinkle imli (Tamarind Sauce) chutney, Salt, Roasted cumin powder on it.
    14. Serve hot & Enjoy with tea!!!
